White Orca (Shiretoko, Hokkaido)

In May 2023, a ‘white killer whale’ appeared in the Nemuro Strait after two years of absence.

White orca / killer whale at Shiretoko, Hokkaiado 白いシャチ

The contrasting color of black and white is a characteristic of killer whales. But this orca’s entire body is white, so the eyepatch and saddle patch are not visible unless you look closely.

After the first observation of two of them separately in the Nemuro Strait in 2019, two white killer whales swimming together made headlines in 2021. And after two years, this year (2023), one white killer whale was seen off Rausu Port.

According to a Japanese news website, he is a “mature male”, “nearly seven metres long by eye measurement”, “at least nearly 50 years old” and “most likely the same individual as the first white killer whale identified in Japan”.

It is not known whether it is an albino (Albinism), which cannot produce melanin due to a genetic abnormality, or a white variant (Leucism) due to mutation. It looks like a white variant because it does not have the characteristic red eyes of an albino and its body colour is greyish.

Pod of 13 killer whales. The colour white is said to be a disadvantage in the race for survival, as it is easily noticeable in nature, but this individual has been able to grow well.

All boats are busy with the rare appearance of ‘white Orca’.


The tip of the dorsal fin is bent slightly to the left.

Abrasions under the dorsal fin on the left side of the body.

White orca swim peacefully against the backdrop of the snow-capped mountains of the Shiretoko Peninsula. We look forward to seeing them back in Shiretoko next year!。


Photo & Video : Shohei MORITA(Shiretoko Serai) Text : Wataru YAMOTO

Observation : May 2023, Rausu – Nemuro Strait, Hokkaido

Contact us  to make arrangements for photographing Orcas of Shiretoko – Nemuro Strait from April to July.

★Wildlife videos are also available on Youtube – we have the playlist as well.

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Rausu : Where the Killer Whales Gather

The 2021 Report from the Summer Season is here! Written by Shiretoko Serai (Our guesthouse in Rausu)’s  Nature Guide, Kaito Imahori.

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There were more than 100 Killer Whales that visited Rausu. The Nemuro Strait, located between Rausu and Kunashiri Island, has had multiple families of whales visit every year starting from around May, to the end of July. The latest research suggests that the Nemuro Strait, may perhaps be a meeting place for the different groups so they can look for future partners.


This is a resident pod that is fishing together, which have downward pointing white patches around their eyes.

In the beginning of June 2021, I was able to observe a significant and amazing sight! We found a family pod of three mothers with a newborn child, near Rausu Port. While running side by side with this group in the sightseeing boat, I saw many unusual behaviors, such as a mother swimming upside down to feed her baby breast milk, just near the boat.

I also encountered another great scene this year. It was in mid-June, when I could see a gathering of 4 family groups at once, perhaps they were in the process of mating, but the males were swimming upside down with their penis out, courting the females from the other pod.

Even though I could not capture it in a photo, there was also another event worth noting that happened in late July. There were 2 white killer whales, a male and a female who appeared at the same time, which became major news. There are only a few places in the world where you can observe whales so closely, but it is because so many whales gather in Rausu, that you might see such unique and rare scenes like these.

Photo & text: Kaito Imahori (Shiretoko Serai)
Observation: Jun 2021, Rausu, Shiretoko, Hokkaido

*Contact  us, Saiyu Travel for more information about wildlife and bird watching in Hokkaido. We can make various arrangements for your trip. We have a guesthouse, Shiretoko Serai, in Rausu, Shiretoko Peninsula.

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