We could see a pair of Harlequin ghost pipefish (Solenostomus paradoxus) in the seas around Yakushima. The pair were in perfect unison with their mimicry, which made it both astounding and beautiful to watch.
ニシキフウライウオのペア(屋久島)A pair of Harlequin ghost pipefish
Harlequin ghost pipefish is a member of the family Solenostomidae. The Solenostomus were previously thought to be an intraspecific mutation within Solenostomidae but, they became an independent species in 1994.
On every part of the body and along its fins, there are spikes that stick out, with spotted patterns as well. The body is a white color with some transparent areas, but the designs and patterns that appear are so diverse!
The larger one is the female, and the smaller one on the right is the male. Unlike the pipefish, where the males incubate the eggs, in family Solenostomidae, they leave the job of protecting the fertilized eggs to the females with the larger pectoral fins.
In English, the name of the fish is “Harlequin ghost pipefish” or “Ornate ghost pipefish,” but in Japanese they are called “Nishiki fuurai-uo.” “Nishiki” refers to a traditional Japanese weaving textile, highlighting the intricate designs seen on this unique fish.
Image & text : Mariko SAWADA
Observation : Jun 2021, Isso-bay, Yakushima, Kagoshima
Tags: Dive in Japan, Wildlife tour of Japan, Diving tour of Japan, Harlequin ghost pipefish, Diving in Yakushima, Yakushima, Solenostomus paradoxus, Wildlife in Japan, Wildlife of Japan