Icy Lake Furen: Steller’s Sea Eagle and White-Tailed Eagle (Lake Furen, Hokkaido)

Lake Furen Hkkaido Steller's sea eagle 風蓮湖 オオワシ Wildlife of Japan

2021 Report from Winter in Hokkaido Photography Tour

In mid-February, the temperatures were high and with less snow on the ground, we were worried if that would mean less ice formation on Lake Furen. However, the Lake’s sunset show was spectacularly set at always. Best of all, with only a few foreign tourists around, it was not crowded at all.

After 8am, the Steller’s sea eagle and white-tailed eagle were waiting in standby on the lakeside trees, and a crow was waiting impatiently on the ice.

Sea Eagles on Ice lake Furen 風蓮湖の鷲|西遊旅行

Video & text: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Feb 2021, Lake Furen, Hokkaido
Special Thanks : Lodge “Lake Sunset”

*Contact us, Saiyu Travel for more information about wildlife and bird watching in Hokkaido. We can make various arrangements for your trip. We have our guesthouse Shiretoko Serai in Rausu on the Shiretoko Peninsula.

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Love Is In The Air For The Hokkaido Fox! (Teshikaga, Hokkaido)

キタキツネの求愛 courtship of Ezo red fox Wildlife of Japan 北海道の野生動物

2021 Winter Report from Eastern Hokkaido Photography Tour

Towards the end of the second half of the tour, we could encounter some Ezo red foxes in the yard of the lodge “ Masuya” in Teshikaga. Every year from the end of January to late March is the mating season for foxes; and their offspring might be born around late March to early May. We were there in the middle of mating season, in mid-February, when we saw these two foxes behaving a little oddly. While observing them, we witnessed the courting and then mating behaviors. Come April, you may be able to see the kits of this red fox pair in Masuya’s yard.
Our delightful encounter with these two courting red foxes in the snowy forest landscape was an unforgettable moment.

Mating of Ezo red foxes キタキツネの交尾|西遊旅行


Images & Text: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Feb 2021, Teshikaga, Hokkaido
Special Thanks : Lodge ” Masuya”

*Contact  us, Saiyu Travel for more information about wildlife and bird watching in Hokkaido. We can make various arrangements for your trip. We have a guesthouse, Shiretoko Serai, in Rausu, Shiretoko Peninsula.

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Scuba diving in Bonin Islands (OGASAWARA)

This video introduces one of the best diving sites in Japan, the Ogasawara Islands, a World Heritage Site. Due to the pandemic that cancelled overseas tours, I could have a great time diving here experiencing “the wild sea” while I was there!


This second link is of a school of twin stripe fusilier (also known as Pterocaesio marri) being chased by a longfin yellowtail (also known as Seriola rivoliana or Almaco jack), with the last part of the video having a humpback whale song in the background. This video was taken in February 2021. Annually, Humpback whales migrate to Ogasawara from the end of December to the middle of April for breeding. The island is surrounded by mother and calf whales, as well as male humpback whales, who follow the females who are ready to mate in a ‘Heat Run’ which can last for hours.


Video & text : Mariko SAWADA

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Bird Photography : Steller’s Sea Eagle and White-tailed Eagle (Rausu, Hokkaido)

羅臼 流氷クルーズ オオワシ オジロワシ Rausu Drift Ice Cruise Steller's Sea Eagle (3) Wildlife of Hokkaido

Winter 2021 Eastern Hokkaido Photography Tour Report

This time, for the Rausu Drift Ice Cruise, there was no drift ice out at sea, so the photography cruise took place in the fishing port.
Due to that situation, however, it proved to be challenging to get photos of the Steller’s sea eagle and White-tailed eagles without any buildings in the background. For the first half of the tour I was trying to get them with the ice and snow as the backdrop, and then for the second half I mainly took shots of them flying in the air. The staff on the ship assisted in this effort by expertly throwing the fish in the air.

羅臼 流氷クルーズ オオワシ オジロワシ Rausu Drift Ice Cruise Steller's Sea Eagle (2) Wildlife of Hokkaido

A Steller’s sea eagle flying towards our boat.

羅臼 流氷クルーズ オオワシ オジロワシ Rausu Drift Ice Cruise Steller's Sea Eagle (11) Wildlife of Hokkaido

Battling for food mid-air.

羅臼 流氷クルーズ オオワシ オジロワシ Rausu Drift Ice Cruise Steller's Sea Eagle (9) Wildlife of Hokkaido

I wondered if it is just less risky to steal another eagle’s fish rather than grabbing the ones that have fallen on the ice surface?

羅臼 流氷クルーズ オオワシ オジロワシ Rausu Drift Ice Cruise Steller's Sea Eagle (8) Wildlife of Hokkaido

Fierce competition.

羅臼 流氷クルーズ オオワシ オジロワシ Rausu Drift Ice Cruise Steller's Sea Eagle (7) Wildlife of Hokkaido

Oh no! You dropped your fish!

羅臼 流氷クルーズ オオワシ オジロワシ Rausu Drift Ice Cruise Steller's Sea Eagle (5) Wildlife of Hokkaido

Perhaps the White-tailed eagles are a little more mature? I had the impression that the fights occurred more amongst the Steller’s sea eagles (maybe it just seemed that way for that particular morning tour).

Although I was taking photos in the fishing port (it’s hard to call it a ‘cruise’ since we didn’t get out to sea!) we were blessed with good weather where we could see the beautiful eagles flying in the skies above.

Photo & Text: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Feb 2021, Rausu, Hokkaido
Special Thanks: The staff at Gojira-iwa Kanko

*Contact  us, Saiyu Travel for more information about wildlife and bird watching in Hokkaido. We can make various arrangements for your trip. We have a guesthouse, Shiretoko Serai, in Rausu, Shiretoko Peninsula.

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A Hokkaido Sika Deer Carrying the Head of Another Deer (Entangled Antlers) in Notsuke Peninsula

絡み角のエゾシカ・野付半島 Ezo sika deer with dead deer head

In 2021, during the winter season, one of the trending topics in Eastern Hokkaido was the Notsuke Peninsula’s “Entangled Antlers” Ezo-Sika Deer. There was a male deer that, as they normally do, must have battled an opponent during the rutting season. However, the antlers got entwined in a way that one unlucky deer could not free itself and died. This resulted in the head of the loser being carried around like a trophy by the surviving deer.

Of course, this is the story we think has happened, but no one can really know. This is the kind of event that makes you feel what a ‘Wild Life’ these animals lead.

Hokkaido Sika Deer with dead deer head (絡み角のエゾシカ・野付半島)|西遊旅行

We observed it for two days, and it seemed the deer had a hard time raising its head compared to the other deer. Perhaps it was too heavy? Also during that time, it didn’t move around that much, possibly due to the poor visibility.

The deer’s antlers will fall in the spring. If this stag can wait a little longer, it will be free soon. It should be able to enjoy the spring with its newfound freedom, perhaps two deer’s worth!


Video & Text: Mariko SAWADA

Observation: Feb 2021, Notsuke Peninsula, Hokkaido, Sika Deer

*Contact  us, Saiyu Travel for more information about wildlife and bird watching in Hokkaido. We can make various arrangements for your trip. We have a guesthouse, Shiretoko Serai, in Rausu, Shiretoko Peninsula.

*Youtube : Wildlife of Japan

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At the Ogasawara Islands, During Humpback Whale Season

One of the highlights of visiting Ogasawara (also known as Bonin Islands) in the winter months is seeing the humpback whales. During the summer, the whales have spent their days feeding on the fish near the Kamchatka Peninsula to as far as the Aleutian Islands. Then they return to Ogasawara Islands for breeding.

You can see the mother and calf whales, leisurely floating along in the water, while the males are swimming frantically in their “Heat Run,” and maybe even a baby whale breaching!

There are shallow, sandy areas on the north side of the South Island, where it is easy to see the whales because there are also some diving sites. You might even have a chance to encounter the whales while diving if you are lucky.


Humpback whale of Bonin Islands


Video & Text: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Jan-Feb 2021, Chichijima, Ogasawara Archipelago, Bonin Islands

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Hokkaido’s Ural Owl Feeding on a Large Field Mouse

Eastern Hokkaido Winter 2021 Report

Being told that the owls aren’t in their nests that much this year, we went to check the hole in the tree where they can usually be spotted. But just as our local guide said, they were not home. This owl pair that live near the “Tsurui Dosanko Ranch,” are a favorite because they are usually quite reliable to be close by and so very cute to watch.
Eventually we could see them. I couldn’t see both of them at the same time, but one of them had caught a large Japanese field mouse (Ezo Akanezumi). This subspecies of field mouse is Apodemus speciosus ainu and it is endemic to Japan!

Ural Owl(エゾフクロウ)|西遊旅行

After the video was taken, the owl did not eat his prize field mouse right away, but instead put it down inside the burrow and just sat there watching us.

Video & Text : Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Feb 2021, Tsurui village, Hokkaido

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