(Video) An Asian Sheepshead Wrasse Named “Yoriko” in Hasama’s Underwater Park (Tateyama, Chiba)

館山 TATEYAMA diving 頼子 Yoriko コブダイ Asian sheepshead wrasse (2)

The Hasama Underwater Park is located just on the border between Tokyo Bay and the Pacific Ocean, and it is within 2 hours travel time from the city center. The Underwater Park is rich with fish because of the input of nutrition from the freshwater rivers and the Kuroshio Current running along the coast of Japan. This place is quite famous for the underwater shrine Torii and ‘Yoriko’ the Asian sheepshead wrasse.

YORIKO Asian sheepshead wrasse コブダイの頼子・波左間海中公園

The Asian sheepshead wrasse is called “Kobudai” in Japanese (as if it was a member of the Sea Bream family), it is a member of the wrasse family, and is a “hermaphroditic” species which can change sex between male and female. It first matures as a female and breeds, then changes sex to a male and participates in breeding again.

This “Yoriko” used to be a female paired with a male named “Yoritomo,” but one day “Yoritomo” disappeared perhaps because he lost the battle for territory. Following that development, “Yoriko” then became a male and has stayed that way to the present day. The lifespan of the Kobudai is thought to be about 20 years long, but “Yoriko” has already exceeded 30 years of age. He has come to be a very cherished and well-loved fish at the Hasama Underwater Park and taken on a mystic-natured creature who time has forgotten.

館山 TATEYAMA diving 頼子 Yoriko コブダイ Asian sheepshead wrasse

This is the famous underwater shrine, the only kind in the world, in the Hasama Underwater Park. It is an authentic shrine that was built in 1997 as a branch of the Susaki Shrine in Tateyama.

館山 TATEYAMA diving Seapen ヤナギウミエラ (2)

Another famous place in the Hasama Underwater Park is the “Sea Pen Colony” (in Japanese it is called ‘Yanagi-umiera’). It was the first time I could see these! Depending on the tide, it may or may not appear on the surface of the sand, so I felt so lucky to see the colony. The English name “Sea pen” is because of the resemblance to a Quill pen!

館山 TATEYAMA diving Seapen ヤナギウミエラ

A colony of the Sea Pens Virgularia halisceptrum .

館山 TATEYAMA diving dream

There are many other areas for great fish sightings as well. There is a fish-reef called “Dream” where the scenery created by the soft corals and Sea goldie, as well as Redbar anthias and Cooper’s Fairy Basslets. 。

館山 TATEYAMA diving タカノハダイのクリニーニングステ-ション

This is the Spottedtail morwong cleaning station. The name for the fish in Japanese is “Takanoha dai” derived from the Japanese word for “Hawk feather” which is “Taka no ha.” This is based on the similarity of the stripes that are seen on hawk feathers, The polka dots on the tail also really catch my attention.

館山 TATEYAMA diving 仲がいいミギマキ

Here is a friendly pair of redlip morwongs.

Image: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Jun 2021, Hasama Marine Park, Tateyama, CHIBA

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(Video) Hammerhead Sharks of the Yonaguni Island

与那国ハンマー Yonaguni Hammerhead sharks Diving at Yonaguni Island (2)

Japan’s westernmost island is the Yonaguni Island. It is said that on a good visibility day in the summertime, you can see all the way to Taiwan. One of the things that make Yonaguni famous, are the schools of Hammerhead Sharks that can be observed here while diving.

We visited  early April, which is the end of the hammerhead season, so we thought it would be difficult to encounter them, but we were able to see many schools multiple times.

Yonaguni Island’s Hammerhead Sharks 与那国島のハンマーヘッドシャーク

与那国ハンマー Yonaguni Hammerhead sharks Diving at Yonaguni Island (1)

An unexpected encounter with a large school of hammerheads.

与那国ハンマー Yonaguni Hammerhead sharks Diving at Yonaguni Island (4)

The hammerhead sharks at Yonaguni Island are all females and are generally calm and do not bite. Usually, they are found swimming at a depth of 35m to 40m, but this time we could encounter them at a relatively shallow depth of 25m to 30m.

与那国ハンマー Yonaguni Hammerhead sharks Diving at Yonaguni Island (3)

Of course, while diving, we also visited the ‘Yonaguni Underwater Monument.’What looks like a terrace cut at right angles, looks man-made, but the natural formation is not actually a ruin. It is found in a spot that has a fast moving tide.

与那国合宿 (4)

We stayed at Guesthouse FIESTA, where the owner prepared a wonderful BBQ for us.

与那国合宿 (3)

The Yonaguni marlin are also famous. There are also many fishing boats that mainly target the marlin. We could get some fresh sashimi from the local Kinjo Tackel Shop. During our stay, we could also enjoy the fresh greater amberjack and green jobfish

与那国合宿 (2)

We also had some locally produced ‘Island tofu (Shima tofu)’ cold and the last of the seasonal ‘Island Coriander/cilantro (shima pakuchii).’

与那国合宿 (1)

This baby goat isn’t on the menu! This is the 2-month old goat of the Dive Shop Marlin, and it has been guaranteed the lucky designation as a lifelong pet.

Image & Text: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Apr 2021, Yonaguni Island, Okinawa
Special Thanks: Yonaguni Diving Service MARLIN, Guesthouse FIESTA

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Scuba diving in Bonin Islands (OGASAWARA)

This video introduces one of the best diving sites in Japan, the Ogasawara Islands, a World Heritage Site. Due to the pandemic that cancelled overseas tours, I could have a great time diving here experiencing “the wild sea” while I was there!


This second link is of a school of twin stripe fusilier (also known as Pterocaesio marri) being chased by a longfin yellowtail (also known as Seriola rivoliana or Almaco jack), with the last part of the video having a humpback whale song in the background. This video was taken in February 2021. Annually, Humpback whales migrate to Ogasawara from the end of December to the middle of April for breeding. The island is surrounded by mother and calf whales, as well as male humpback whales, who follow the females who are ready to mate in a ‘Heat Run’ which can last for hours.


Video & text : Mariko SAWADA

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